Tank Hunter

Role: Producer and Lead Designer
Engine: Unity, C#

My contributions, TLDR version:
Game and Concept design, Team Leadership, Project Management and Task Scheduling, Main Menu Design and Implementation,  Audio (Music and Sound Effects) Design and Implementation, UI and InGame Menu Design.

Tank Hunter is split screen vehicular combat action game prototype that was developed on the Unity Game Engine for the PC.

Tank Hunter sees players take on each other in a 1 v 1 arcade tank combat with the winner of each duel destroying the other tank. The prototype only features the multiplayer side called Battleground of the grander game design document. 1 game mode was developed for the prototype which is Head to Head.  A second mode called Tank Hunt would have seen 4 players engaging on the field in a 3 v 1 style of 3 Sherman versus 1 Tiger. Two tanks are available to select for players in the prototype.

The prototype was developed for a university subject at QUT titled Advanced Game Design, in which students in teams over the semester would design and create a playable prototype in the Unity Game Engine.

For this project, I served as Producer and Lead Designer. I was responsible for ensuring the keeping the group on track and managing back end jobs not specifically related to the game such as the game manual and sourcing a majority of the game assets to be used. The holistic game idea and design was also my idea which I pitched to the group in the first week. It came about after watching the film Fury, playing World of Tanks at the time and desiring a more intimate tank action experience inspired by the Tiger ambush scene in Fury. I also worked and produced the game’s intro video, theme song, and menu screen, and some of the sound assets while also sourcing and compiling the game’s soundtrack and the majority of sound assets.

Also on the team were Peter Tran and Fernando Florence. Peter was the Lead Programmer and was instrumental in assuring the game worked and all the mechanics were implemented to the vision the team and myself had. Fernando was the team’s Artist and Level Designer who created the map and level.

My team faced many difficulties in the production of this title over the semester. The biggest problem encountered was when our team of four was reduced to three after one team member dropped the subject the day before the Game Design Document was due and before production had even begun. This was both a blessing and a curse for the team as it meant there was a bigger workload per team member. However, the tasks could be better dived between the remaining three individuals as we each possessed specific skills in different areas.

The prototype received wide praise from peers in the in-subject end-of-semester showcase. Due to the subject being team-based and revolving around aspects of designing and creating the game, Tank Hunter earned the group a 7 overall for the subject. There are currently no plans to continue work on it.

Game Design Document: Tank Hunter – Design Document v2
Game Manual: Tank Hunter Game Manual v3